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Tuesday, August 30, 2016

The Holy Spirit Seies 20

Welcome to the study today. I am writing this after a gap of a few weeks. Time was something that was a matter of constraint to me with so many things vying for it. However, I thank God for this time that I was able to sit down once again in His presence. Today we will see another one of the symbols that the Holy Spirit is known by:
   4.Wind: This famous symbolic reference comes in the discourse between Jesus and Nicodemus.
 “The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit.” Jn 3:8
Jesus was telling him that a person born of the Spirit exhibits the traits of the wind. It is for us to infer that if the person filled with the Holy Spirit is likened to the wind then the Holy Spirit too does exhibit the same quality. What does this statement imply? Jesus was opening Nicodemus’s understanding into how the Spirit works and certain traits of His. The Holy Spirit is unseen but His works are evident just like how one feels the wind and hears it as it moves without being able to see it. The Spirit works in a way that man cannot fully perceive Him yet will provide evidence thereof. Nowhere is this symbology more evident than when the Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples on the Day of Pentecost.
“And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting.” Acts 2:2
Let’s take a moment to consider what this would have actually sounded like? The Bible describes the sound as a mighty rushing wind. The sounds that can be considered as mighty here for example can be like that of a hurricane, cyclone or a tornado. Frankly speaking this truly would have been a frightening experience personally. One point I’d like to mention is that the descent of the Holy Spirit is also the descent of God! There is another reference to God descending which like this thundered scaring all in the process.
“Then it came to pass on the third day, in the morning, that there were thunderings and lightnings, and a thick cloud on the mountain; and the sound of the trumpet was very loud, so that all the people who were in the camp trembled… And when the blast of the trumpet sounded long and became louder and louder, Moses spoke, and God answered him by voice. Then the Lord came down upon Mount Sinai, on the top of the mountain.” Ex 19:16-20
Again the sound included that of Thunder and a Trumpet both being very loud. A thunder is the sound produced when lightening passes through the air. It is often referred to as ranging from a rumbling to a sonic boom while a trumpet is a high pitched sound. Neither of these sounds is something one would expect and thus we read that the people trembled when it did happen. I believe that the sound of the wind in the upper room caught the attention of the people to gather outside and incline their ears to hear, that which was to follow…the utterances of tongues. Its purpose was to announce the arrival of God among His people. The sound is to draws ones attention. Imagine seeing a movie without the sound. The impact is not as profound as what one experiences when we can attribute the sound to what we see. The believer who moves as per the leading of the Holy Spirit will likewise impact those around. Jesus said that we are to bear fruit…good fruit. Seeing the fruit (good works) the Bible says that men will give glory to God Mt 5:16. To a believer the works of the Holy Spirit are undeniable likewise so will the works of the believer be to the unsaved world.
            The word for Spirit in Hebrew is ‘Ruach’ which is breath, wind, spirit. This wind is what made man a living being in Gen 2. There is life within this wind and it gives life as well. Amen. He can be gentle or forceful like the wind, depending upon the situation. The jailer was jolted into seeking God at feet of Peter in Acts 16:13 and all of Israel saw Gods’ awesomeness in Ex 19 leading them to fear Him. The gentleness of the Sprit is seen in the conversion of Cornelius, Lydia etc. All these being done by the Holy Spirit stands today as His testaments.
             While we are on this topic of wind I would like to share about two winds we often come across in the Bible. Each of the four directions and associated directions have specific spiritual significance, of which the East wind is most significant. The east wind is what parted the Red Sea, brought quail into the Israel camp. Basically the East wind signifies the work of God among men be it His arm of provision or judgement. It is most often seen concurrent with His judgements in action. It brought the locusts into Egypt in Ex 20:13. It also brought forth other judgements of God as mentioned in Is 41:16, Ps 48:4-7, Jonah 4:8 ( a lesson to Jonah) etc.
The wind of the Holy Spirit blows over the face of the earth bring with it life to those pre-ordained by the Lord to receive it. It moves in accordance to His plan in the lives of individuals and nations. On that day, the Day of Pentecost, the Bible records 3000 people coming to Christ and today we hear of hundreds of thousands all over the world. The Spirit of the Lord moves unbeknownst to us like a grandmaster on the chess board of His sovereign plan. Blow Lord, Blow Your Spirit upon us. May your Spirit move in each one of us and cause us to fulfil your mighty plan as it unfolds in our lives and the lives of those around us. Carry us Lord to higher heights like the eagle that soars with its wings spread out wide, far above the cares of this world. May the grace and love of the Lord abound toward all of you as you continue in His presence. We will continue with the Symbolism of the Holy Spirit in our next session. Till then God bless

Monday, July 18, 2016

The Holy Spirit Series 19

Today’s session is quite close to my heart and I was deeply encouraged by it, I hope it will be the same for you too. We will continue to study about the oil and how it signifies the Holy Spirit.

b.      Oil of Gladness: Ever since the fall there has been a problem with all of creation; nothing is as it should be. God created everything and declared that it was good but looking at the world today can make anyone doubt God’s sovereignty and even His existence. There is death and destruction all around us whether man-made or natural. As I write this two people who are close to me have been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, one has it in the brain while the other in her bones.  Having spoken to both women I understood that true hope comes only to those who have Christ for only one of them is a believer. The unbeliever is a cousin. Having known her over many years I understad her pain and sorrow. She had a hard life, she never enjoyed her life and now she was diagnosed with bone cancer that has now rendered her bedridden with only a month to live. Her resentment is understandable and heart breaking. The other is a very dear family friend whom I’ve known for over 15 years as a prayerful and godly woman from church. Her diagnosis was shocking but after speaking to her and hearing what the Lord spoke to her was truly encouraging and an eye opener to me and my wife. In her sickness she ministered to the nurses that tended to her and 4 of them accepted Christ while her brother who so refused the gospel all these years also came to the Lord seeing her faith, along with his family. She has provoked me to introspect my own convictions and stand. God removed her fear of death and gave her an inner strength to take joy rather than sorrow and despair as her mantle. Coincidently I was meditating on this topic on the oil as a symbol and the Lord put out this verse to me:

To grant those who mourn in Zion, giving them a garland instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the mantle of praise instead of a spirit of fainting. So they will be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that He may be glorified.’ Isaiah 61:3.

Isaiah 61 starts with, ‘The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me…’ and it leads to verse 3, meaning that the anointing of the Holy Spirit is the what gives a child of God the oil of gladness and a mantle of praise to be glad and praise God when faced with hopelessness. The key is that Is 61 talks about the ministry that the Anointing allows us to do, which Jesus quoted at the start of His ministry. The oil of joy is for those who do what is mentioned in the verses 1-2. It is the anointing that defines the purpose of a child of God while the stand/testimony during adversities speaks volumes of their faith and hope in the Lord Jesus and His promise of eternal life to all who believe in His name. We often think that our will power and convictions in the word of God is what will carry us through but the Lord has revealed it differently. The oil of gladness is part of the supernatural gift of faith 1 Corinthians 12:9, that enables the believer to transcend human reasoning. We all know about the shield of faith in Eph 6:16. What many do not realize is the significance. The shield that we commonly see in the hands of Roman soldiers were the big metallic shields but as per the verse a metallic shield would not quench a fiery dart (arrow). The arrow would ricochet of a metallic shield and hit someone else. The actual shield used during war was a wooden shield that was covered with leather. The soldier would drench it with water before going into battle, so that when a flaming arrow was fired upon him the arrow would embed itself into the shield and would get doused. Now to maintain the suppleness of the leather covering the shield was oiled regularly. Without the oiling process the leather would dry out and crack. Our shield is our faith but the anointing of the Lord is what makes our faith strong. It is the joy of the Lord that makes us strong. Amen. Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego refused to bow before the idol and deny their faith ready to die even if God did not deliver them Dan 3:16. This is the faith that the Anointing is going to bring more and more in the days to come. This oil of gladness is symbolically represented by its use in the ceremonial sacrifices, since every sacrifice is painful yet the purpose far outweighs the cost and so Jesus sacrificed Himself joyfully Heb 12:2. Consider also that the oil is obtained by beating and crushing the olive and then exposing it to heat. The true essence on a believer is seen in his faith life tested in the rigours of life whether simple or even unto death. Our lives should glorify His name which will only happen when people see our faith life and good works. Is 61:3 ends declaring that the anointed disposition of the child of God will declare His work in our lives thus giving Him the glory. Every believer today stands because someone gave their life to get the gospel to him and they did it joyfully. There is no life without death as seen in Jn 12:24.

This study has been such an encouragement to me on a personal level. As a believer our hope is eternity with our Saviour. It is my prayer that we will accomplish the purpose for which we were sent into the world and that God would furnish us with His word and strengthen us by His Spirit to live life to the fullest in Him. For a believer life begins the day he/she departs from this world. Till next time. God bless

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Holy Spirit Series 18

1.     Olive Oil:  The symbol of the olive oil is a known symbol of the Holy Spirit, having been used more frequently in the Bible than the dove and water symbols. The oil was first used to anoint Aaron and his sons into the Levitical priesthood Exo 29:21. It was used to separate men and things as Holy unto God. Specifically, the olive oil indicated the Anointing of the Holy Spirit. Olive oil was the oil of choice among the Jews for this purpose. Why was olive oil the chosen medium? One point I would like to express is that every detail in the ceremonial offerings and its methods are prophetically significant. The same applies to the olive oil. The olive tree is hardy, drought and disease resistant tree very similar to the acacia tree, which was used to build the Ark of the Covenant, The Table of Showbread and the Brazen Altar. The oil tree is capable to regeneration even after its branches and main trunk has been destroyed, thus the olive tree is a symbol of new life. This is symbolically seen when the dove sent out on the 8th day brought Noah freshly plucked olive leaves. The number 8 signifies new beginnings in Bible and so the olive branch corresponds in meaning symbolically. The olive tree is also symbolic of the redeemed Church (Israel and Gentile) with the Head being Christ, who was crushed, beaten and bruised paralleling the olive pressing process to procure oil. Mt. Olivet is also known as the hill of pressing, the same place where Jesus prayed agonizing whilst blood poured out like sweat upon the earth. Can you see the imagery?

                           The Anointing oil used was made specifically as prescribed by God. A total of five ingredients went into its making Exo 30-23-25. The five being Myrrh, Cinnamon, sweet Calamus, Cassia and Olive oil. The number Five represents the grace of God. Each of the measurements of these 5 ingredients are multiples of 5! The meaning inferred is that the Anointing is the grace of God and not of merit. The ministry bestowed upon the vessel is by the grace of God and therefore must not be taken for granted nor misused. The oil was also indicative of joy and gladness Ps 45:7, reflected in its inclusion in the sacrifices where it was used as part of the Temple offerings (Ex 29:40/Lev 7:12/Num 15:4) except the sin (Lev 5:11) and jealousy (Num 5:15) offerings. It was also used to perpetually light the seven branched lampstand in the Holy place (Exo 27:20).  We will briefly go through the different olive oil uses that is symbolic of the Holy Spirit.

a.     Holy unto the Lord: The oil was used to sanctify people and objects as Holy and separated vessels (man and object) for purpose of serving God. The key words here is “the purpose of God,” which is the only reason for sanctification. Unless the person or item has been cleansed it cannot be inducted into the divine purpose because of the Holy nature of God. The sanctification process begins once God had made His choice of the said vessel; God is the only One who decides who or what may be used to minister to Him and it is for this reason that Jesus said, “You have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you and ordained you…”Jn 15:16a. Aaron too was chosen by God as the High priest out of all of Israel Num 17:5-8 and so was King David. Today, everyone who accepts Jesus as their personal Saviour does so because God has chosen them to do so according to Rom 8:29-30 and Jn 6:44. Thus He chooses us and separates us for His service. This is why He calls us to holiness because He is Holy Eph 1:4, 1Pt 1:13-16. Every born again believer is a minister of God, called into the ministry of reconciliation 2Cor 5:18-19 to preach the good news Mt 28-18-20. Warnings have been issued against those who misuse or disrespect that which has been made Holy unto God 1Cor 3:17. King Belshazzar, son of King Nebuchadnezzar, used the Holy Temple vessels to drink vine in the company of his guests Dan 5:3. This defiling act brought the wrath of God upon himself and his kingdom. History tells us that Babylon fell into the hands of King Cyrus of Persia that very night. We must remember God’s exclusivity and revere Him thusly. Our lives are purely by the grace of God and so must be a possession most cherished. Amen

 I am always perplexed at the intricacies of the Old Testament that prophetically reveal the New Testament. The Old Testament is one of my great loves when it comes to studying about prophecy. I hope this lesson has been a blessing and I will see you in our next session when we continue looking into the uses of the Olive oil that signify the Holy Spirit. Till then God Bless.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Holy Spirit Series 17

Today we will be continuing with the symbolisms used to represent the Holy Spirit.
2. Water: The water symbol is used quite significantly throughout the Bible and it has come signify both the Word and the Holy Spirit. The differentiation between the two is very subtle and so it can only be defined contextually since both the word and the Spirit work in tandem to accomplish God’s Will together. Jesus stated that, rivers of living water will flow from the hearts of those who believe in Him. Jesus was referring to the Holy Spirit as the scripture revels in Jn 7:38-39. To imagine that man has been given the provision to become a fountain of this living water should inspire us to be all that God wants us to be. This provision enables the believer to become a wellspring for the Holy Spirit by whom God will minister to the lives of those around us. Jesus first introduces us to this living water in His conversation with the Samaritan woman at the well in John Ch.4, however, the foundation was laid in His conversation with Nicodemus about being born again Jn 3:5. These chapters (Jn 3, 4 and 7) are so arranged for us to learn about this in an orderly manner.
                       When God prophesied concerning the dispensation of the grace of God; He said that His Spirit would be poured out upon all flesh in Joel 2:28. In this verse the verb (pour out) figuratively compares the Holy Spirit dispensation to that of water being poured. The pouring here is indicative of copious quantities without limit and so the imagery to a river flow. When Jesus spoke to Nicodemus about the new birth by water and Spirit, He was indicating to the functioning of the word (water) and the Spirit (Holy Spirit) in bringing about new birth in those who accept Jesus as their Saviour. This point we have discussed earlier.

                      Water in nature is a symbol of life and the same holds true in the Bible. However, the life here is eternal and spiritual in nature. The great thing about it is not possessing it, but it is in being able to share it with others. Therefore, the command to preach the gospel to all Mt 28:19. The river of living water symbolism can be seen in Ps 1:3 where it imparts fruitfulness and a supernatural provision of health to the blessed man. The believer in this verse is a shadow of the Tree of Life in Rev 22:2, which too is fed by a river that proceeds from the Temple of God in the New Heavenly Jerusalem. We see this life giving river in Ezk 47: 1-12 given as a prophecy, reminiscent of the flow of the Holy Spirit in ones life. I will be dealing with this portion later in the study. The Holy Spirit as discussed earlier is the Life giver while the Word is the initiator. An easy way to explain this is when God made man out of clay (the word constructs) and then God breathed into him (The Spirit gives life). So when one receives the Water, he receives life and is then a living temple for God to dwell in. Once we become His dwelling, the Holy Spirit will spring out of us bringing forth life Jn 4:14.

                        Water flows and so does the Holy Spirit and just as water refreshes thirst; the Holy Spirit satiates the thirst for God. The Psalmist penned his feelings regarding his thirst for God in Ps 42:1 whilst he sought Him in his prayers. Jesus spoke regarding this thirst to the woman at the well in Jn 4:13 saying that those who drink from Him will thirst no more. Man by nature tries to answer all of life’s problems but there comes a point where he can’t; however those who look to the Lord have a totally different experience. In Ps 121:1-2 we see the resolute decision of the writer to seek God and nowhere else, a decision that can only be reached by faith. It is to such that the Spirit of God flows in abundance. This is why Jesus said He came to give us life and to give it abundantly Jn 10:10, a life that will flow through the Holy Spirit to all who call upon His name. Amen. Ezk 47: 1-12, basically prophesies that the Dead Sea will one day be raised up and become a water body that will be teaming with life. This is also a picture of the transformation of the repentant soul from death to life 1Jn 3:14a / Jn 5:24. One simple truth here is God will always give abundantly and liberally to all who come to Him.
            At this point I will not be able to go into further details since we are only looking into the symbols of the Holy Spirit, however we delve further into this topic in greater detail when we study on the Anointing. We will continue with another symbol in our next session. Till then God Bless

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Holy Spirit Series 16

Holy Spirit Symbolism
The Holy Spirit is represented throughout the Bible using a variety of symbols. The purpose of a symbol is to provide specific information without the use of words. It is also used to signify the ethos of that which it represents. The symbols are discerned only by those to whom its significance is revealed while to other it is just a depiction. It is this cryptic nature of symbols that makes it the ideal medium to communicate information without compromising its content. Parables are by nature symbolic and thus was used by the Lord during His teachings so that the common people did not understand Mt 13:10-16. In this session we will be dealing with the different symbols that have been used to represent the Holy Spirit and the meaning of each of them. There is no particular order of representation however, we will see that each representation was purposeful.
1.      Dove: The symbol of the Dove is seen during the Baptism of Christ Mt 3:16/Mk 1:10/Lk 3:22. This was the sign given by God to John the Baptist to identify the Messiah Jn1:32-34. The Dove is not the exclusive symbol of the Holy Spirit, it has been also used to signify the Church (Songs 5:2) and Mourners (Is 38:14). However, it’s best known for its representation of the Holy Spirit. Why did God give the dove as a symbol to John the Baptist? The dove symbolism was already well known throughout the ancient world even before the time of Christ. In ancient Sumeria it was the symbol of the goddess Inanna, in Babylon it was Ishtar, in Greece it was Astarte and Juno in Rome. Typically these goddesses symbolised war, sex and fertility. They personified the worship of the queen of heaven, who was originally Semiramis, the wife of Nimrod, King of Babylon. Form what I have gathered one of the first reasons for God to give this symbol was to break the worship of the pagan goddesses by nullifying the gender representation by the dove. God specifically told John the Baptist that the Holy Spirit will descend upon the Messiah and when it did happen He came in the form of a Dove! This point lines up with what we studied about the character of the Holy Spirit in the previous session, where we looked into the feminine characteristics of the Holy Spirit. The traditional rabbinical teachings suggests that the hovering of the Spirit of God over the waters in Gen 1:2 is like the brooding of the dove. One thing I would like to point out is that this symbol was only known to John the Baptist although many people would have seen it during Christ’s baptism. Only John was privy to its significance. To everyone else it would be one of two meanings:
1. A dove came and sat on someone getting baptized.
2. If they took John seriously the dove would become a symbol of the gods choosing Jesus for some great purpose and so they would follow Him.
I am inclined to consider the latter to be part of God’s plan since the same scenario is seen in the life of Jonah, who was vomited out by the great fish. Consider this that the Ninevites worshipped the fish god ‘dagon’. It would only be natural for such a people to listen carefully to what Jonah had to say. God will use anything to get man to listen to Him.
Just a tit bit
The Dove in the Bible is first seen when Noah sent it out to check if the waters had abated. We today all know that the olive bearing dove is a symbol of peace and how ironic is it that the meaning of Noah is rest, peace, and comfort. Noah was the actual symbol of peace to those to whom it was prophesied that the wrath of God was coming and so thus they named him. The dove on the other hand was an instrument by which this peace was confirmed. According to Jewish teachings the dove was used because of its nature. A nature that always propelled it to return home no matter how far away it was from it. The Bible states that the Ark rested upon Mt. Ararat and typically if the waters were to recede the mountain top would be the first to be dry.  So, logically what Noah was trying to see was if the dove’s original home was dry and habitable.  However, the dove can be a symbol of peace through it being the used as a sacrificial animal for the sin and burnt offering giving man temporary peace with God Lev 1:14/ 14:22. Mary offered doves once her days of purification were complete in Lk 2:24.
              Coming back to the dove being a symbol of the Holy Spirit, the one area that it would really signify the Holy Spirit is in its mannerisms. It is monogamous in its choice of a partner. The Holy Spirit once given to us will never be taken away (possibly) unless we forsake Christ through apostasy and blasphemy. Another one of its characters is its gentleness, a character that Christ exhorts His followers to have Mt 10:16. As mentioned earlier the dove always returns to its home no matter how far the separation. One way or the other it will always find its way home, a trait that was used by the military to send forth and receive messages. The Holy Spirit will also one day return home to the Heavenly Father after accomplishing the purpose for which He was sent. This return will only take place after the word of God has been accomplished, because the Holy Spirit and the Word always working in tandem as we have already discussed because they work together to fulfil the purpose of God before returning Is 55:11. An imagery of this very verse is the cry of Christ upon the cross when He said “it is finished” and “into Your hands I commit My Spirit”.
We will continue with the symbolism in our next session. Till then God Bless

Sunday, June 12, 2016

The Holy Spirit Series 15

The Personality of the Holy Spirit
To begin this topic I must emphasize one point that we must not forget and that is to remember that the presence of the Holy Spirit at a personal level is a prophecy and promise being fulfilled. The 1st Prophecy was made by God in Joel 2:28-3:1, since the prophet Joel served during 835-796 B.C. Isaiah would be the second prophet to prophecy regarding the Holy Spirit in Is 32:14-18 and 44:3-5; while Ezekiel would the 3rd to prophecy regarding Him in Ezk 36:26, 37:13-14 and 39:28-29. These prophecies became a promise to the children of Israel and was revealed to be so by Luke in Acts 2:33. What this means is that He is literally the representation of God, the Lord Jesus and Himself all at the same time. He would therefore, always exalt the Father and Christ in all His works. When we read portions in the Bible where the Holy Spirit expresses Himself, we must not forget that He would be displaying the characteristics of the Father and Christ as well. However, there are some exclusive attributes that are solely His and these are what I would like to dwell upon.
A.   He is grieved: The Bible admonishes us not to grieve the Holy Spirit in Eph 4:30. How do we grieve Him? If we read the verse above and those following we can see that the Holy Spirit is grieved when the spirit of our mind is not renewed (Eph 4:23-24), causing us to be unchanged in our attitudes, behaviours and actions. This will happen when we resist Him and His work in our lives. Stephen the Martyr accused his accusers of resisting the Holy Spirit and persecuting and killing those sent by God with His message. When the Light comes it  reveals what the darkness hides in each of us. When this happens the correct response must be to acknowledge our sins and confess them. However, not everyone does so as the Bible states

 “And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed. But he who does the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been done in God.” Jn 3: 19-21 

The resistance comes when we love sin more than God. This grieving process of the Holy Spirit does end. It ends with the Holy Spirit being quenched 1 Thes 5:19. Why does it say quenched? This is because the Holy Spirit arrival was first signified by tongues of fire which rested on the faithful in the upper room in Acts 2. I will talk more about this Fire later. As believers we are all being moulded into the image of Christ and the process continues till Jesus returns. However, as we transform our ministry is also revealed. Unless this transformation progresses; the lives that we are to bless may be lost or given to others to bless (like what was told to Esther). We may end up as paupers and standing against the Will of God, even after receiving the Holy Spirit, Shocking as it may seem, this warning was given to the Church and not to the world. 
B.    Blasphemy: This is the most serious sin as warned by Christ (Mat 12:31–32), one that has no forgiveness. Why is this so and why did Christ say even if people blaspheme Him they will be forgiven but not the Holy Spirit? The very fact that Jesus left His glory and took up human form is the reason for this. When we talk about Jesus we cannot exclude His humanity which made Him of a lower standing. However, He is later glorified by God (through His Death and Resurrection) and exalted (through His Ascension) to His current state and position. This current state and position is at the right hand of the Father in the heavenly realms, far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age, but also in the one to come Eph 1:21. I believe at the time that Jesus spoke this verse He implied that He being in human form would be undergoing many things, as it was ordained by God however, the Holy Spirit being in His original form with God was not to be blasphemed  in any manner as is God the Father. We must remember that Jesus was crucified under the pretext of blasphemy against God! The punishment for Blasphemy was death Lev 24:13-16
         Blasphemy comes from the Greek word blasphemia which means to “speaking ill, impious speech, slander.” In today’s context it is to speak with irreverence of that which is considered Holy. Basically at its core it means to slander with a false accusation, much like what the scribes accused Jesus of casting out demons using demons. They implied that the power Jesus used was demonic! Whenever we falsely accuse God we are in danger of blasphemy. God told Job to pray for his three friends because they had spoken wrong regarding Him and their forgiveness would be upon Job’s prayer Job 42:7-9. The Holy Spirit is here to be all that we need Him to be in our lives to help and mould us into Christlikeness. He will never leave us nor forsake us, however we can circumvent His work in our lives by disobedience.  
C.   He can be Insulted: We are insulted when the good we do or the image we have is questioned or abused. Likewise people can insult the Holy Spirit when they turn away from Christ and embrace false doctrines and religions, thereby becoming an apostate. The Bible says this action of sinning wilfully by trampling the blood of Christ underfoot insults the Spirit of Grace Heb 10:29. I have always wondered who in their right mind would reject Christ after having experienced God and His goodness. The answer that I have so far received is:

“Truly, truly, I tell you, it is not because you saw these signs that you are looking for Me, but because you ate the loaves and had your fill. Do not work for food that perishes, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you. For God the Father has placed His seal of approval on Him.” Jn 6:26-27

The people flocked to Christ but Jesus openly admonished their misplaced priorities. Many come to Christ to get what they want. It could be for healing, deliverance, financial breakthroughs, solution to family problems so on and so forth. When they do receive it, their love and attention begins to wane. I have seen this happen first hand over the years. Some even leave the faith because they do not get what they wanted in the way they liked and when they like. God does not conform to our whims and fancies although He does entertain it at times but we must not forget that He is God. The Holy Spirit is to dwell in all those who accept Jesus. How much of our nonsense does He put up with on a daily basis ranging from our faithlessness, to all our filthy habits and traits? He continues His persistent presence in our lives regardless of how we live and imagine the insult when one departs from the faith. It is like slapping God in the face or spitting upon it, like the Roman soldiers only they did not receive anything from God. We must not take the Holy Spirit for granted. There will always be that spiritual struggle in our lives and yes we do sin wilfully on many things knowing that it is wrong to do so. Many men of God have fallen into adultery, and all sorts of sins but are they beyond forgiveness. No! not unless they have completely turned away from Him. Therefore ,we must value His grace and mercy and always seek His face while He is near us. Never ever turn away from God because of your guilt on the contrary go boldly before Him accepting your sin Heb 4:15-16. Heaven rejoices when we are saved now imagine the sadness when one turns away. It is saddening to even think about it.

D.   He expresses His Will: Yes the Holy Spirit expresses His Will though He does the Will of God the Father. The expression of His Will is always in line with the Will of God the Father. This expression is seen in 1 Cor 12:11, where the gifts are distributed to each believer as per the will of the Holy Spirit. This would seem strange but let’s consider the fact that since the Holy Spirit dwells in us He is the most knowledgeable person regarding our individuality and how uniquely God has made us. He with this knowledge I believe grants the gifts that are best expressed through us based on our call and what God has ordained for us to do. As per the verse I believe God has granted Him freedom to grant gifts as He sees fit.
We will next be looking at the person of the Holy Spirit as signified by different symbols in the Bible. This is wonderful portion of this study and I am looking forward to sharing it with you. Till next time. God bless.