
Sunday, July 10, 2016

Holy Spirit Series 18

1.     Olive Oil:  The symbol of the olive oil is a known symbol of the Holy Spirit, having been used more frequently in the Bible than the dove and water symbols. The oil was first used to anoint Aaron and his sons into the Levitical priesthood Exo 29:21. It was used to separate men and things as Holy unto God. Specifically, the olive oil indicated the Anointing of the Holy Spirit. Olive oil was the oil of choice among the Jews for this purpose. Why was olive oil the chosen medium? One point I would like to express is that every detail in the ceremonial offerings and its methods are prophetically significant. The same applies to the olive oil. The olive tree is hardy, drought and disease resistant tree very similar to the acacia tree, which was used to build the Ark of the Covenant, The Table of Showbread and the Brazen Altar. The oil tree is capable to regeneration even after its branches and main trunk has been destroyed, thus the olive tree is a symbol of new life. This is symbolically seen when the dove sent out on the 8th day brought Noah freshly plucked olive leaves. The number 8 signifies new beginnings in Bible and so the olive branch corresponds in meaning symbolically. The olive tree is also symbolic of the redeemed Church (Israel and Gentile) with the Head being Christ, who was crushed, beaten and bruised paralleling the olive pressing process to procure oil. Mt. Olivet is also known as the hill of pressing, the same place where Jesus prayed agonizing whilst blood poured out like sweat upon the earth. Can you see the imagery?

                           The Anointing oil used was made specifically as prescribed by God. A total of five ingredients went into its making Exo 30-23-25. The five being Myrrh, Cinnamon, sweet Calamus, Cassia and Olive oil. The number Five represents the grace of God. Each of the measurements of these 5 ingredients are multiples of 5! The meaning inferred is that the Anointing is the grace of God and not of merit. The ministry bestowed upon the vessel is by the grace of God and therefore must not be taken for granted nor misused. The oil was also indicative of joy and gladness Ps 45:7, reflected in its inclusion in the sacrifices where it was used as part of the Temple offerings (Ex 29:40/Lev 7:12/Num 15:4) except the sin (Lev 5:11) and jealousy (Num 5:15) offerings. It was also used to perpetually light the seven branched lampstand in the Holy place (Exo 27:20).  We will briefly go through the different olive oil uses that is symbolic of the Holy Spirit.

a.     Holy unto the Lord: The oil was used to sanctify people and objects as Holy and separated vessels (man and object) for purpose of serving God. The key words here is “the purpose of God,” which is the only reason for sanctification. Unless the person or item has been cleansed it cannot be inducted into the divine purpose because of the Holy nature of God. The sanctification process begins once God had made His choice of the said vessel; God is the only One who decides who or what may be used to minister to Him and it is for this reason that Jesus said, “You have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you and ordained you…”Jn 15:16a. Aaron too was chosen by God as the High priest out of all of Israel Num 17:5-8 and so was King David. Today, everyone who accepts Jesus as their personal Saviour does so because God has chosen them to do so according to Rom 8:29-30 and Jn 6:44. Thus He chooses us and separates us for His service. This is why He calls us to holiness because He is Holy Eph 1:4, 1Pt 1:13-16. Every born again believer is a minister of God, called into the ministry of reconciliation 2Cor 5:18-19 to preach the good news Mt 28-18-20. Warnings have been issued against those who misuse or disrespect that which has been made Holy unto God 1Cor 3:17. King Belshazzar, son of King Nebuchadnezzar, used the Holy Temple vessels to drink vine in the company of his guests Dan 5:3. This defiling act brought the wrath of God upon himself and his kingdom. History tells us that Babylon fell into the hands of King Cyrus of Persia that very night. We must remember God’s exclusivity and revere Him thusly. Our lives are purely by the grace of God and so must be a possession most cherished. Amen

 I am always perplexed at the intricacies of the Old Testament that prophetically reveal the New Testament. The Old Testament is one of my great loves when it comes to studying about prophecy. I hope this lesson has been a blessing and I will see you in our next session when we continue looking into the uses of the Olive oil that signify the Holy Spirit. Till then God Bless.

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