
Tuesday, August 30, 2016

The Holy Spirit Seies 20

Welcome to the study today. I am writing this after a gap of a few weeks. Time was something that was a matter of constraint to me with so many things vying for it. However, I thank God for this time that I was able to sit down once again in His presence. Today we will see another one of the symbols that the Holy Spirit is known by:
   4.Wind: This famous symbolic reference comes in the discourse between Jesus and Nicodemus.
 “The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit.” Jn 3:8
Jesus was telling him that a person born of the Spirit exhibits the traits of the wind. It is for us to infer that if the person filled with the Holy Spirit is likened to the wind then the Holy Spirit too does exhibit the same quality. What does this statement imply? Jesus was opening Nicodemus’s understanding into how the Spirit works and certain traits of His. The Holy Spirit is unseen but His works are evident just like how one feels the wind and hears it as it moves without being able to see it. The Spirit works in a way that man cannot fully perceive Him yet will provide evidence thereof. Nowhere is this symbology more evident than when the Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples on the Day of Pentecost.
“And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting.” Acts 2:2
Let’s take a moment to consider what this would have actually sounded like? The Bible describes the sound as a mighty rushing wind. The sounds that can be considered as mighty here for example can be like that of a hurricane, cyclone or a tornado. Frankly speaking this truly would have been a frightening experience personally. One point I’d like to mention is that the descent of the Holy Spirit is also the descent of God! There is another reference to God descending which like this thundered scaring all in the process.
“Then it came to pass on the third day, in the morning, that there were thunderings and lightnings, and a thick cloud on the mountain; and the sound of the trumpet was very loud, so that all the people who were in the camp trembled… And when the blast of the trumpet sounded long and became louder and louder, Moses spoke, and God answered him by voice. Then the Lord came down upon Mount Sinai, on the top of the mountain.” Ex 19:16-20
Again the sound included that of Thunder and a Trumpet both being very loud. A thunder is the sound produced when lightening passes through the air. It is often referred to as ranging from a rumbling to a sonic boom while a trumpet is a high pitched sound. Neither of these sounds is something one would expect and thus we read that the people trembled when it did happen. I believe that the sound of the wind in the upper room caught the attention of the people to gather outside and incline their ears to hear, that which was to follow…the utterances of tongues. Its purpose was to announce the arrival of God among His people. The sound is to draws ones attention. Imagine seeing a movie without the sound. The impact is not as profound as what one experiences when we can attribute the sound to what we see. The believer who moves as per the leading of the Holy Spirit will likewise impact those around. Jesus said that we are to bear fruit…good fruit. Seeing the fruit (good works) the Bible says that men will give glory to God Mt 5:16. To a believer the works of the Holy Spirit are undeniable likewise so will the works of the believer be to the unsaved world.
            The word for Spirit in Hebrew is ‘Ruach’ which is breath, wind, spirit. This wind is what made man a living being in Gen 2. There is life within this wind and it gives life as well. Amen. He can be gentle or forceful like the wind, depending upon the situation. The jailer was jolted into seeking God at feet of Peter in Acts 16:13 and all of Israel saw Gods’ awesomeness in Ex 19 leading them to fear Him. The gentleness of the Sprit is seen in the conversion of Cornelius, Lydia etc. All these being done by the Holy Spirit stands today as His testaments.
             While we are on this topic of wind I would like to share about two winds we often come across in the Bible. Each of the four directions and associated directions have specific spiritual significance, of which the East wind is most significant. The east wind is what parted the Red Sea, brought quail into the Israel camp. Basically the East wind signifies the work of God among men be it His arm of provision or judgement. It is most often seen concurrent with His judgements in action. It brought the locusts into Egypt in Ex 20:13. It also brought forth other judgements of God as mentioned in Is 41:16, Ps 48:4-7, Jonah 4:8 ( a lesson to Jonah) etc.
The wind of the Holy Spirit blows over the face of the earth bring with it life to those pre-ordained by the Lord to receive it. It moves in accordance to His plan in the lives of individuals and nations. On that day, the Day of Pentecost, the Bible records 3000 people coming to Christ and today we hear of hundreds of thousands all over the world. The Spirit of the Lord moves unbeknownst to us like a grandmaster on the chess board of His sovereign plan. Blow Lord, Blow Your Spirit upon us. May your Spirit move in each one of us and cause us to fulfil your mighty plan as it unfolds in our lives and the lives of those around us. Carry us Lord to higher heights like the eagle that soars with its wings spread out wide, far above the cares of this world. May the grace and love of the Lord abound toward all of you as you continue in His presence. We will continue with the Symbolism of the Holy Spirit in our next session. Till then God bless

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