
Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Holy Spirit Series 17

Today we will be continuing with the symbolisms used to represent the Holy Spirit.
2. Water: The water symbol is used quite significantly throughout the Bible and it has come signify both the Word and the Holy Spirit. The differentiation between the two is very subtle and so it can only be defined contextually since both the word and the Spirit work in tandem to accomplish God’s Will together. Jesus stated that, rivers of living water will flow from the hearts of those who believe in Him. Jesus was referring to the Holy Spirit as the scripture revels in Jn 7:38-39. To imagine that man has been given the provision to become a fountain of this living water should inspire us to be all that God wants us to be. This provision enables the believer to become a wellspring for the Holy Spirit by whom God will minister to the lives of those around us. Jesus first introduces us to this living water in His conversation with the Samaritan woman at the well in John Ch.4, however, the foundation was laid in His conversation with Nicodemus about being born again Jn 3:5. These chapters (Jn 3, 4 and 7) are so arranged for us to learn about this in an orderly manner.
                       When God prophesied concerning the dispensation of the grace of God; He said that His Spirit would be poured out upon all flesh in Joel 2:28. In this verse the verb (pour out) figuratively compares the Holy Spirit dispensation to that of water being poured. The pouring here is indicative of copious quantities without limit and so the imagery to a river flow. When Jesus spoke to Nicodemus about the new birth by water and Spirit, He was indicating to the functioning of the word (water) and the Spirit (Holy Spirit) in bringing about new birth in those who accept Jesus as their Saviour. This point we have discussed earlier.

                      Water in nature is a symbol of life and the same holds true in the Bible. However, the life here is eternal and spiritual in nature. The great thing about it is not possessing it, but it is in being able to share it with others. Therefore, the command to preach the gospel to all Mt 28:19. The river of living water symbolism can be seen in Ps 1:3 where it imparts fruitfulness and a supernatural provision of health to the blessed man. The believer in this verse is a shadow of the Tree of Life in Rev 22:2, which too is fed by a river that proceeds from the Temple of God in the New Heavenly Jerusalem. We see this life giving river in Ezk 47: 1-12 given as a prophecy, reminiscent of the flow of the Holy Spirit in ones life. I will be dealing with this portion later in the study. The Holy Spirit as discussed earlier is the Life giver while the Word is the initiator. An easy way to explain this is when God made man out of clay (the word constructs) and then God breathed into him (The Spirit gives life). So when one receives the Water, he receives life and is then a living temple for God to dwell in. Once we become His dwelling, the Holy Spirit will spring out of us bringing forth life Jn 4:14.

                        Water flows and so does the Holy Spirit and just as water refreshes thirst; the Holy Spirit satiates the thirst for God. The Psalmist penned his feelings regarding his thirst for God in Ps 42:1 whilst he sought Him in his prayers. Jesus spoke regarding this thirst to the woman at the well in Jn 4:13 saying that those who drink from Him will thirst no more. Man by nature tries to answer all of life’s problems but there comes a point where he can’t; however those who look to the Lord have a totally different experience. In Ps 121:1-2 we see the resolute decision of the writer to seek God and nowhere else, a decision that can only be reached by faith. It is to such that the Spirit of God flows in abundance. This is why Jesus said He came to give us life and to give it abundantly Jn 10:10, a life that will flow through the Holy Spirit to all who call upon His name. Amen. Ezk 47: 1-12, basically prophesies that the Dead Sea will one day be raised up and become a water body that will be teaming with life. This is also a picture of the transformation of the repentant soul from death to life 1Jn 3:14a / Jn 5:24. One simple truth here is God will always give abundantly and liberally to all who come to Him.
            At this point I will not be able to go into further details since we are only looking into the symbols of the Holy Spirit, however we delve further into this topic in greater detail when we study on the Anointing. We will continue with another symbol in our next session. Till then God Bless

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