
Sunday, March 6, 2016

The Holy Spirit Series 1


Welcome to an exciting new study. As I said earlier this is one of my favourite topics. It is my goal to answer most of the doubts that people generally have concerning the Holy Spirit. The confusion begins with His identity and position. Ever since the Apostles demise the identity of the Holy Spirit has been under question. People need proof of everything. They want everything quantitative and within their scope of reasoning. I cannot imagine where the scholars and theologians get off by thinking that the Godhead is something that can be measured or identified without distinction. In what I have known about God, man can only know what He has revealed, whether in the pages of the Bible or even through His servants. The Apostle Paul is clear when he says that only the Spirit of God knows the deep things of God and that he and the others know only what the Spirit has revealed to them  1 Corinthians 2:10-11.

           I do not think that any of the Apostles questioned the authority of the revelation given by the Holy Spirit, because they knew Him personally. The level of relationship that the Apostles shared with the Holy Spirit is in my eyes the most important thing that any follower of Christ must yearn for. Today those who do share such a relationship are a rare breed. The Bible is very clear on who gets to know the deep things of God Ps 25:14. These secrets is what makes one wiser than all the rest and so the verse Pr 1:7 and 9:10. Our focus must be to have a relationship with the Lord not for academic purposes but for the same reason why a child needs to have a relationship with its father.

          The varied doctrines arose after all the Apostles had died and the early Church Fathers were trying to make sense of things. Various terms and interpretations arose when people were trying to define the nature of God and during this the Trinity doctrine was first put forward by Tertullian in the early 3rd Century. It is true that the word ‘Trinity’ does not appear anywhere in scripture and so it has been refuted by many as a product of man’s traditions, having its root in Paganism.

          My understanding is very simple. There is no point in debating the nature of God from an academic perspective. If someone wants to know, the Bible says let him ask God James 1:5. I did so and what I learnt is what I would like to share, so stay tuned. God Bless

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