
Sunday, March 13, 2016

The Holy Spirit Series 3

The Triune Nature of God

So now we’re going to get into the subject that I know everyone is eager to know. Well first I am going to give you a very special verse. This verse is like a key that opens up new perspectives if you know how to use it. Let’s look at Rom 1:20

“For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead…”

I know we have all read this verse but have we really understood what this verse is saying?

The first half of the verse is saying that the invisible (unseen/spiritual) things of Him (God) are clearly seen from the beginning of creation. So, what this means is that it was never the intention of God to hide His invisible attributes since it is to be CLEARLY SEEN!!! The second half of the verse tells us where to look; to see the invisible things and understand and what is that has been revealed since the beginning of creation…leaving man without an excuse (to say that there is no God).

The verse is telling us to look at the things that God has created to know His invisible things: His Eternal Power and the GODHEAD!

Therefore, in this study we want to know about the Godhead so, where do we look? We look at what is in creation. When I read this verse many years ago I knew immediately knew where to look. What would represent God in creation? Well the answer is Man. But how can man show us the invisible attribute of the Godhead? The answer is simple, because man was made in the Image of God. The model for man is God Himself. So, there will be something inside of us that will reveal how the Godhead exists.
              If I say that God is of a triune nature then man must also be of the same. As we all know man is also of three parts Spirit/Soul/Body. The Spirit and the Soul are the unseen parts of man while the Body is the only visible part. The Soul again is divided into 3 parts: Mind, Will & Emotions.  Knowing this I asked the Lord to show me how to explain this further. The problem lies is the fact that we are trying to separate them into three individual persons and then say that they are One. Rather we must first put them together and then see how they became separate.
            The Bible was written here on earth but it is Heaven sent. That means it is written from God’s perspective. We read it from our perspective and so fail to truly understand.Whenever any of the Prophets or the New Testament saints received a vision of God, they always saw a person. This means that God has a Spiritual Body. Now I will give you another Key verse

“…who serve a copy and shadow of the heavenly things…” Hebrews 8:5

Although contextually the verse talks about the Temple but taking the matter into account you will see that somethings here on earth are a copy of that which is in Heaven. We are a copy, the Temple was a copy and so was everything in it, because God commanded Moses to make it according to the pattern shown to him on the mountain, meaning Moses saw everything and made it exactly like what he saw. So since God now says we are the Temple where God resides you need to look at how this looks in Heaven!!

What is the true identity of Jesus in Heaven prior to His birth as the Messiah/Christ?

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.” John 1:1-3

In Heaven Jesus was originally known as The Word. Another support verse is Revelation 19:13 plus there is another controversial verse which is seen 1 John 5:7 (only seen in the following translations: KJV, NKJV, Jubilee Bible 2000, Douay-Rheims Bible, Webster's Bible Translation, Young's Literal Translation) The verse has been cut short or taken out completely from all the other translations. It’s the only verse that points to the Trinity directly

So Jesus is called the Word in Heaven. Now the Word is in two forms: visible (written) and spoken (invisible). This dual persona of the Word is Key. Now how does the Bible describe the Holy Spirit? The word ‘Spirit’ is ‘Ruach’ in Hebrew which means ‘breath, wind, spirit.’ We always take the word as Spirit but have you ever considered the other two? Let’s combine the two: The spoken Word and Spirit are both invisible but they work together. See Jn1:3 “All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.” Meaning everything that was made was made using the word of God. The first of the created things through speech is in Gen 1:3 when God said “Let there be Light.” Words are nothing but Air being manipulated by the tongue into discernible sounds and so many such words used become a language. As I mentioned the Holy Spirit is Holy Breath and the Word of God the bible says is God’s Breath: 2 Tim 3:16 “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness...” The word for Inspiration here in Greek is ‘theopneustos’ which means God-Breathed.

                 The Word of God and the Spirit of God work in tandem to bring about the will of God whenever He speaks. This is how they are One: The Father (God) is like the Soul (will, mind & emotion), The Holy Spirit is the Spirit (Life & Power) and The Word of God (contains the Godhead) is like the Body (since it is the only one that can be seen). Nobody questions our threefold existence in nature but we question God's because we do not understand. If required I can further teach on how they presented to us as three individual personages. However, for now this is the reason why no one in the Old Testament saw The Word and God together, separately, so when God said He is One God they had no problem. Today things have changed and thus He presents Himself different from what is seen in the Old Testament. Here I'll give you a clue to His current nature: when God spoke about Him being One God in Deuteronomy 6:4, He was talking about His present situation. Try to figure it out.

I know this has been a very long study. The topic is so deep that I had to take time to teach it right. I hope it is clear. Please send me any doubts that you have regarding this lesson. God Bless.

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