
Saturday, March 26, 2016

Holy Spirit Series 6

The Work of the Holy Spirit on Earth
Now that we have seen what is the seven fold function in Heaven, its time now to see the same seven fold function here on earth. It is important for me to mention that the function of the Holy Spirit is different under the two Covenants. Therefore we will look at each one separately. As I had mentioned earlier the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament was not commonly known by the general populous but His work was manifest through chosen men of God. These men of God were able to achieve many things that were beyond their human potentials. They even at times appear to possess superpowers! I have often wondered why this is so, why does it not happen today? From what I have know it is because during the Old Testament God was cementing His position among the people to lead them to the New Covenant that would eventually be established. This was achieved by God by making His mark in history that would become faith building events, from which we draw hope even today. For as the word declares that Faith comes by hearing God’s word Rom10:17, which then gives us hope. So, God worked mighty deed in the days of old today however, it is up to us to do it.
One more point I forgot to mention earlier was that the Spirit of Lord is the key to access to all the other offices of the Holy Spirit. That is why we keep hearing about the Spirit of the Lord and not of the other offices during the Old Testament and this was especially true since the Holy Spirit was not yet revealed to men. However, we will see the offices that would have been at work upon men during those times
In The Old Testament: In the last session we saw how the Spirit of Wisdom was the key and that the Spirit of counsel, knowledge and understanding are all tied together with the Spirit of Wisdom being predominant. Why is this so? The answer again is pretty straightforward if you think about it. At first one gains knowledge and then we understand it; but to use our understanding of the knowledge in a timely and proper fashion we need wisdom. The Spirit of Counsel is a combination of the Spirit of Knowledge and understanding; but when, how and to whom to provide counsel to comes by way of wisdom.
Some of the well-known exponents of the Spirit of Wisdom were the master craftsmen of the Tabernacle. Bezaleel, Aholiab along with other craftsmen who were ordained by God to build the special pieces of the Tabernacle that were intricately designed using precious metal, stones, timber etc.  Exodus 31:2-11. The Tabernacle was a man-made marvel that was more than just a tent with some furniture in it. It was a glorious testament to cunning workmanship that has baffled experts. God used these men to create an earthly replica of His abode in Heaven. King Solomon though he fell towards the end of his life, authored his place in history by building the Temple and establishing the Kingdom of Israel, because God granted him wisdom.
          I would also like to point out another aspect of the Spirit of Wisdom, is its function in the life of Daniel and Joseph. I believe both of them had the Spirit of Wisdom operating in a manner that was different to the others since it granted them the ability to interpret dreams and visions with which they counseled Kings and influenced the course of history. What stands out for these two men of God is that their works were attributed to God by those who witnessed it.
         The Spirit of the Fear of the Lord is evident from the books of the Old Testament, where all the prophets warn of the righteous judgment of God that would fall upon repentant man and I believe this aspect of the Spirit worked in the hearts of the Ninevites at the preaching of Jonah. Samson was the man upon whom the Spirit of Might rested on enabling him to do feats that is unmatched or challenged till date.
        The Spirit of the Lord rested upon all the Old Testament prophets and heroes without whom they would have been mere men fighting against their circumstances with relative success. However, with the Spirit of the Lord upon them success was inevitable even in the most impossible situations.
I praise God that the Holy Spirit empowered men to do such wondrous works during those times. Imagine what we can do today if only we walked according to the calling that God had called us. But, one thing I would like to remind you is that the world would not need another Samson or a Solomon today for what the Lord has now established is a Spiritual Kingdom of which we will study deeply in the coming days; till then God Bless.

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