
Saturday, March 26, 2016

Holy Spirit Series 6

The Work of the Holy Spirit on Earth
Now that we have seen what is the seven fold function in Heaven, its time now to see the same seven fold function here on earth. It is important for me to mention that the function of the Holy Spirit is different under the two Covenants. Therefore we will look at each one separately. As I had mentioned earlier the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament was not commonly known by the general populous but His work was manifest through chosen men of God. These men of God were able to achieve many things that were beyond their human potentials. They even at times appear to possess superpowers! I have often wondered why this is so, why does it not happen today? From what I have know it is because during the Old Testament God was cementing His position among the people to lead them to the New Covenant that would eventually be established. This was achieved by God by making His mark in history that would become faith building events, from which we draw hope even today. For as the word declares that Faith comes by hearing God’s word Rom10:17, which then gives us hope. So, God worked mighty deed in the days of old today however, it is up to us to do it.
One more point I forgot to mention earlier was that the Spirit of Lord is the key to access to all the other offices of the Holy Spirit. That is why we keep hearing about the Spirit of the Lord and not of the other offices during the Old Testament and this was especially true since the Holy Spirit was not yet revealed to men. However, we will see the offices that would have been at work upon men during those times
In The Old Testament: In the last session we saw how the Spirit of Wisdom was the key and that the Spirit of counsel, knowledge and understanding are all tied together with the Spirit of Wisdom being predominant. Why is this so? The answer again is pretty straightforward if you think about it. At first one gains knowledge and then we understand it; but to use our understanding of the knowledge in a timely and proper fashion we need wisdom. The Spirit of Counsel is a combination of the Spirit of Knowledge and understanding; but when, how and to whom to provide counsel to comes by way of wisdom.
Some of the well-known exponents of the Spirit of Wisdom were the master craftsmen of the Tabernacle. Bezaleel, Aholiab along with other craftsmen who were ordained by God to build the special pieces of the Tabernacle that were intricately designed using precious metal, stones, timber etc.  Exodus 31:2-11. The Tabernacle was a man-made marvel that was more than just a tent with some furniture in it. It was a glorious testament to cunning workmanship that has baffled experts. God used these men to create an earthly replica of His abode in Heaven. King Solomon though he fell towards the end of his life, authored his place in history by building the Temple and establishing the Kingdom of Israel, because God granted him wisdom.
          I would also like to point out another aspect of the Spirit of Wisdom, is its function in the life of Daniel and Joseph. I believe both of them had the Spirit of Wisdom operating in a manner that was different to the others since it granted them the ability to interpret dreams and visions with which they counseled Kings and influenced the course of history. What stands out for these two men of God is that their works were attributed to God by those who witnessed it.
         The Spirit of the Fear of the Lord is evident from the books of the Old Testament, where all the prophets warn of the righteous judgment of God that would fall upon repentant man and I believe this aspect of the Spirit worked in the hearts of the Ninevites at the preaching of Jonah. Samson was the man upon whom the Spirit of Might rested on enabling him to do feats that is unmatched or challenged till date.
        The Spirit of the Lord rested upon all the Old Testament prophets and heroes without whom they would have been mere men fighting against their circumstances with relative success. However, with the Spirit of the Lord upon them success was inevitable even in the most impossible situations.
I praise God that the Holy Spirit empowered men to do such wondrous works during those times. Imagine what we can do today if only we walked according to the calling that God had called us. But, one thing I would like to remind you is that the world would not need another Samson or a Solomon today for what the Lord has now established is a Spiritual Kingdom of which we will study deeply in the coming days; till then God Bless.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

The Holy Spirit Series 5

The Heavenly Ministry of the Holy Spirit:
Last time we saw a bit of the function of the Holy Spirit in Heaven. Let’s dive in little deeper. Today we will explore the seven offices of the Holy Spirit mentioned in Is 11:2  (1) Spirit of the LORD, (2) Spirit of wisdom, (3) Spirit of understanding, (4) Spirit of counsel, (5) Spirit of power, (6) Spirit of knowledge, and (7) Spirit of the fear of the Lord. 
         Jesus gave a remarkable revelation to the Samaritan woman by the well in Jn 4:24, “God is Spirit…” some translations including the KJV has it as “God is a Spirit”, which is an awkward statement that can give some an impression that He is one among many spirits! The truth is God is Spirit period, as a vivid definition of His divine form. It is my belief that this portion refers to the Holy Spirit because the Greek word used here is ‘pneuma’ a term used 160 times in the New Testament to refer to the Holy Spirit. We have already seen in Part 2 how the Holy Spirit is integral to the Godhead. 

                     The Holy Spirit is the one who makes God Omnipresent (Psalm 139:7-10) and because He is Omnipresent He is Omniscient (Prov. 15:3). The word of God together with the Holy Spirit makes God Omnipotent. How?? The Word of God gives God the ability to provide the substance to create matter Jn 1:3, “All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.” The verse is clearly telling us that the word was used to create everything and we can see that in Gen 1:3, where God said, “Let there be light” and there was light. In science we study that light is made of photons, which is a bundle of energy. So, at its basic structure light is energy. Is it a coincidence that the very first created thing mentioned is Light? Eph. 1:19-21 provides another aspect of the Holy Spirit. The verse talks about the power of God at work. However, the verse goes beyond by explaining what kind of power is at work. Two words are used for power here (a) Dunamis:  the ability to perform/ physical power and (b) Kartos: power by dominion. Combine the power of the Word and of the Holy Spirit and you get what it means to be Omnipotent! God possesses the innate power to absolutely create or do anything by His word because of the sheer power exerted by the ability that exists within Him. Hallelujah! What a mighty God we serve and call our Father! Thus we have seen the Spirit of Power.

                    “The LORD by wisdom has founded the earth; by understanding has He established the heavens. By His knowledge the depths are broken up, and the clouds drop down the dew.” Pro 3:19-20

There is another passage in Proverbs that reads as a personal testimony of the Spirit of Wisdom, “Counsel is Mine, and sound wisdom: I am understanding; I have strength… The LORD possessed Me in the beginning of His way, before His works of old. I was set up from everlasting, from the beginning… When He prepared the heavens, I was there: when He set a compass upon the face of the depth. When He established the clouds above: when He strengthened the fountains of the deep: When He gave to the sea His decree, that the waters should not pass His commandment: when He appointed the foundations of the earth...” Pro 8: 14, 22, 27-29

             The verse reveals the nature of the Spirit of Wisdom, that this office supersedes the Spirit of Counsel, Understanding and Knowledge. This is why God instructs us to ask for wisdom. The possessor of Wisdom possesses the rest as well. God used this aspect of the Holy Spirit when He created everything and set it in order. Praise the Lord that this wisdom is available to us through the Holy Spirit today.

                   Finally we have the Spirit of the Fear of the Lord. What kind of fear is this? I believe it is two sided. One side is the reverential fear of God which even the Angles and the Elders are seen displaying in Rev 4. The Heavenly Host worships God through the action of this office of the Holy Spirit.  On the flip side when Jesus walked on this earth there are numerous instances where the demons are tormented by the His very presence and they ask Him if He has come to torment them before their time. God’s power to judge and punish is seen among the spirits and this too I believe is part of the power exerted by Spirit of the Fear of the Lord. However, by what I know of  the nature of God I infer that the latter half of this ministry is never used to control creation since God grants  the Freewill to choose to fear Him or not. Hence, we have the fall of satan and man!

What a wonderful time it has been so far and we have only begun to scratch the surface. I hope you will continue to join me to patiently read these studies and I pray that God will bless you as you do so. So, until our next session God bless.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

The Holy Spirit Series 4

Last time we saw who the Holy Spirit is within the Godhead and how God is of a triune nature rather than 3 separate persons; as we are taught today in the doctrine of the Trinity I know there is a lot more to study about the triune nature of God; hopefully we will do it at another time. Today we will continue with the study of the Holy Spirit in particular.

The Function of the Holy Spirit (1):
The Holy Spirit, like God who neither sleeps nor slumbers, works tirelessly to carry out the Will of God. To study this topic, we will examine it under two realms of function: Heaven and Earth

1. Heaven:

The role of the Holy Spirit in heaven is always seen as the executor of the will of God, be it in creation or establishing order within creation. The Holy Spirit is the One who sees it is accomplished. Right here the question can arise if the Holy Spirit is not a separate being, as we saw in the previous session, how then does He accomplish things? If this question is arising then we haven’t understood our last session. When I say that He is the executor of God’s will it does not mean it is done by the Holy Spirit as a separate being. To explain this I am going to tap into our childhood memories. Have you seen cartoons as a child? Then do you remember any of the superheroes that had supernatural abilities? The supernatural ability is what makes him special and the way in which this ability is put to use makes this individual a hero or a villain.

                 Well now imagine God as a superhero, who has the Holy Spirit and the Word like two supernatural abilities. As I mentioned in the previous study the Holy Spirit is the power of God to do things. God creates and establishes the spoken word thus executing His will. God and the Holy Spirit and the Word are not separate as we have been lead to understand but rather the Holy Spirit and the Word together with the God is what makes God; God Almighty, just like how superpowers make a person into a superhero! This example is only to illustrate the point I am trying to make and in no way is used to demean God.
The Holy Spirit has His own characteristics, which distinguishes Him within the Godhead. This is one of the reasons why confusions arise. Because of these traits, people are forced to consider the possibility of Him a separate being or form of God.

“And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices: and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God.” Rev 4:5

Does this verse indicate something different as in there are 7 parts of the Holy Spirit or that the Holy Spirit is again presented as separate? Well to start with the Holy Spirit is not a lamp. The Lamp is symbolic of something deeper. When John saw the vision of Jesus, Jesus’s feet were like fine brass…it does not mean that Jesus’ feet were made of brass but rather it was the way it appeared. The Holy Spirit has been portrayed by many other symbols such as oil, dove, water, fire and wind. We may probably look at these symbols separately later. 

                This is not the first verse where the Spirit of God is shown in 7’s. Isaiah 11:2-3 is another place where the Spirit of God is shown in 7’s. From what I have understood they are the offices/ministries of the Holy Spirit. These seven offices are :(1) Spirit of the LORD, (2) Spirit of wisdom, (3) Spirit of understanding, (4) Spirit of counsel, (5) Spirit of power, (6) Spirit of knowledge, and (7) Spirit of the fear of the Lord.
                   The burning lamp symbolism is indicative of the ever continuing work of the Holy Spirit which proceeds and precedes Him, because the fire is never put out Lev. 24:2. As, most of us know that seven is the number of perfection in the Bible. Therefore, in showing the Spirit in 7’s it is indicative of the perfect workings of the Holy Spirit. I also have another revelation regarding the lampstand symbol i.e. if you look at the lampstand in the Tabernacle of Moses there is one key element that is never talked about. Let’s look at the verse:

“You shall make seven lamps for it, and they shall arrange its lamps so that they give light in front of it.” Ex 25:37

The lamps were to give light only in front of it. What was in front of the lamps? The Table of Showbread was in front of the lamps. The bread is as we know the word of God. The light shining upon the bread is indicative of the revelations of the word of God by the Holy Spirit. Likewise the lampstand we see in Rev 4:5 which precedes Him would also be there to reveal Him; for the Bible says that only the Spirit of God knows the things of God 1 Corinthians 2:10.
                  The Holy Spirit is the One who reveals who God is to each one of us. Did you know the Bible also symbolizes God using the Lampstand? Refer to Zechariah 4:2-3 & 14, here God is represented by the 7 branched Lampstand. I find this symbol most appropriate to once again ratify the point that the Holy Spirit and God are one and the same.

Why did I take the Lampstand in the Tabernacle and compare it to the Lampstand in Heaven? The answer is very simple: when God asked Moses to make the Tabernacle according to what he had seen on the Mountain as seen in Exodus 25:8-9, 40 /Exodus 26:30Exodus 27:8 and Numbers 8:4Also This is again mentioned by Luke in Acts 7:44. I believe when Moses went up the Mountain he was translated to Heaven where he saw these articles and hence what he made was a copy of that which is in Heaven Heb 8:5.

             This study has been an eye opener to me and  one of the the lessons I take from this study is the importance of unity and how God has portrayed it. When God saw men gathered together in unity to build the Tower of Babel, He testifies in Gen 11:6 saying “…that nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them.” Imagine what we can do today if we are united under God for His purpose!! If nothing would be impossible to those men how much more it would be possible for us to achieve the unthinkable today. It is saddening to see the people of God in such disarray. But we can change and change we will. We will continue with the Heavenly Ministry of the Holy Spirit  in our next session. Till then God Bless.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

The Holy Spirit Series 3

The Triune Nature of God

So now we’re going to get into the subject that I know everyone is eager to know. Well first I am going to give you a very special verse. This verse is like a key that opens up new perspectives if you know how to use it. Let’s look at Rom 1:20

“For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead…”

I know we have all read this verse but have we really understood what this verse is saying?

The first half of the verse is saying that the invisible (unseen/spiritual) things of Him (God) are clearly seen from the beginning of creation. So, what this means is that it was never the intention of God to hide His invisible attributes since it is to be CLEARLY SEEN!!! The second half of the verse tells us where to look; to see the invisible things and understand and what is that has been revealed since the beginning of creation…leaving man without an excuse (to say that there is no God).

The verse is telling us to look at the things that God has created to know His invisible things: His Eternal Power and the GODHEAD!

Therefore, in this study we want to know about the Godhead so, where do we look? We look at what is in creation. When I read this verse many years ago I knew immediately knew where to look. What would represent God in creation? Well the answer is Man. But how can man show us the invisible attribute of the Godhead? The answer is simple, because man was made in the Image of God. The model for man is God Himself. So, there will be something inside of us that will reveal how the Godhead exists.
              If I say that God is of a triune nature then man must also be of the same. As we all know man is also of three parts Spirit/Soul/Body. The Spirit and the Soul are the unseen parts of man while the Body is the only visible part. The Soul again is divided into 3 parts: Mind, Will & Emotions.  Knowing this I asked the Lord to show me how to explain this further. The problem lies is the fact that we are trying to separate them into three individual persons and then say that they are One. Rather we must first put them together and then see how they became separate.
            The Bible was written here on earth but it is Heaven sent. That means it is written from God’s perspective. We read it from our perspective and so fail to truly understand.Whenever any of the Prophets or the New Testament saints received a vision of God, they always saw a person. This means that God has a Spiritual Body. Now I will give you another Key verse

“…who serve a copy and shadow of the heavenly things…” Hebrews 8:5

Although contextually the verse talks about the Temple but taking the matter into account you will see that somethings here on earth are a copy of that which is in Heaven. We are a copy, the Temple was a copy and so was everything in it, because God commanded Moses to make it according to the pattern shown to him on the mountain, meaning Moses saw everything and made it exactly like what he saw. So since God now says we are the Temple where God resides you need to look at how this looks in Heaven!!

What is the true identity of Jesus in Heaven prior to His birth as the Messiah/Christ?

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.” John 1:1-3

In Heaven Jesus was originally known as The Word. Another support verse is Revelation 19:13 plus there is another controversial verse which is seen 1 John 5:7 (only seen in the following translations: KJV, NKJV, Jubilee Bible 2000, Douay-Rheims Bible, Webster's Bible Translation, Young's Literal Translation) The verse has been cut short or taken out completely from all the other translations. It’s the only verse that points to the Trinity directly

So Jesus is called the Word in Heaven. Now the Word is in two forms: visible (written) and spoken (invisible). This dual persona of the Word is Key. Now how does the Bible describe the Holy Spirit? The word ‘Spirit’ is ‘Ruach’ in Hebrew which means ‘breath, wind, spirit.’ We always take the word as Spirit but have you ever considered the other two? Let’s combine the two: The spoken Word and Spirit are both invisible but they work together. See Jn1:3 “All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.” Meaning everything that was made was made using the word of God. The first of the created things through speech is in Gen 1:3 when God said “Let there be Light.” Words are nothing but Air being manipulated by the tongue into discernible sounds and so many such words used become a language. As I mentioned the Holy Spirit is Holy Breath and the Word of God the bible says is God’s Breath: 2 Tim 3:16 “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness...” The word for Inspiration here in Greek is ‘theopneustos’ which means God-Breathed.

                 The Word of God and the Spirit of God work in tandem to bring about the will of God whenever He speaks. This is how they are One: The Father (God) is like the Soul (will, mind & emotion), The Holy Spirit is the Spirit (Life & Power) and The Word of God (contains the Godhead) is like the Body (since it is the only one that can be seen). Nobody questions our threefold existence in nature but we question God's because we do not understand. If required I can further teach on how they presented to us as three individual personages. However, for now this is the reason why no one in the Old Testament saw The Word and God together, separately, so when God said He is One God they had no problem. Today things have changed and thus He presents Himself different from what is seen in the Old Testament. Here I'll give you a clue to His current nature: when God spoke about Him being One God in Deuteronomy 6:4, He was talking about His present situation. Try to figure it out.

I know this has been a very long study. The topic is so deep that I had to take time to teach it right. I hope it is clear. Please send me any doubts that you have regarding this lesson. God Bless.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Holy Spirit Series 2

The Holy Spirit: Who Is He? Our problem in understanding

To begin, let me first clear one thing: we must understand that we are dealing with a topic that is not of this world and therefore does not conform to the laws that govern it i.e. The Holy Spirit is not governed and or is limited by the laws that exist in this world. Therefore, it would be unwise to restrict concepts because they seem impossible!
               In the Old Testament, the Holy Spirit is largely unknown because His work was not among men but rather upon specific men – The Prophets and some of the Old Testament heroes, who by the power granted spoke for God and even carried out amazing works that cannot be attributed to within the scope of man’s abilities. People were never introduced to the Holy Spirit, however He still was known by some on a personal level. Take the psalm of David as a prime example: “Cast me not away from Thy presence; and take not Thy Holy Spirit from me” Ps 51:11. David knew the Holy Spirit well enough to have prayed such a prayer; a prayer that came after he committed adultery with Bathsheba followed by the murder of Uriah her husband. This revelation could have been given by God directly, because of the deep relation David had with Him. The Bible in Genesis 1:2 is the fist verse that introduces us to the Holy Spirit. This was a revelation given by God to Moses, who then made an account of it. The work and the presence of the Holy Spirit is there for all to see throughout the Old Testament, and cannot be refuted. He most commonly referred to as ‘The Spirit of The Lord’. We are currently in the New Testament age and know more about the Holy Spirit because He has been given to us. I will be explaining this as we go on.
                    The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God. It is taught that He is separate Being yet is One with Him. He has His own personality, character, will, feelings etc. We are taught that He is a person. By doing this people get confused as to how this is possible that One God has 3 distinct personas. People try to grasp the idea using common understanding, where they try to relate God to man in his limitations. To add to this confusion we had various scholars who try to discredit the Bible and state that the Old Testament is a concoction of legends from other cultures that existed prior to the Biblical writings.
               When people genuinely ask their doubts the most common answers I've come across are “There are somethings things that man is not supposed to know and so is not revealed in the Bible” or “We cannot understand how somethings are in the spirit realm because they are beyond our understanding.” Well both answers are correct in their own terms but they do not hold water.  
                    Jesus said that He came to show us the Father John 14:7-10 i.e. if we know Him we also know the Father. This would mean that Jesus was the whole representation of God while He was one the earth Colossians 1: 19 and 2:9; God in the Flesh John 1:14. Now how did God become flesh? Did He have to leave Heaven to do so? If God was here on earth as Jesus then to whom is Jesus praying? If Jesus prayed to God then would not that mean that Jesus is not God? So many questions can arise and they do arise. These questions are some of the toughest questions that people ask and leave the Christian answerless. Honestly, even if we were to answer these questions, how is it going to help people? Will the answer give them salvation? Are people willing to follow Christ if they get an answer? According to me there will always be questions and most often these are asked for the sake of arguments to deny the Bible and the Christian faith.
                     What we are talking about are eternal truths, it does not matter what we think because it will always be as it is. Try explaining the concept of gravity to a child, it does not matter whether the child believes it or not. How God chooses to represent Himself or in what form He exists is irrelevant. However, as a child of God you can ask Him to reveal Himself to you based on your relationship with Him and I believe that the God who revealed Himself to David, Moses and the rest of the Prophets will reveal Himself to you. 

Monday, March 7, 2016

New Audio Message

Check out the new audio message that I have posted in our Audio Section. We are picking up from where we left off from our last message Time and Seasons- a walk through the life of Moses. The Exodus journey brings us so many wonderful life lessons to equip us to face our difficult times. Hope you'll be blessed as you listen to it. God bless

Sunday, March 6, 2016

The Holy Spirit Series 1


Welcome to an exciting new study. As I said earlier this is one of my favourite topics. It is my goal to answer most of the doubts that people generally have concerning the Holy Spirit. The confusion begins with His identity and position. Ever since the Apostles demise the identity of the Holy Spirit has been under question. People need proof of everything. They want everything quantitative and within their scope of reasoning. I cannot imagine where the scholars and theologians get off by thinking that the Godhead is something that can be measured or identified without distinction. In what I have known about God, man can only know what He has revealed, whether in the pages of the Bible or even through His servants. The Apostle Paul is clear when he says that only the Spirit of God knows the deep things of God and that he and the others know only what the Spirit has revealed to them  1 Corinthians 2:10-11.

           I do not think that any of the Apostles questioned the authority of the revelation given by the Holy Spirit, because they knew Him personally. The level of relationship that the Apostles shared with the Holy Spirit is in my eyes the most important thing that any follower of Christ must yearn for. Today those who do share such a relationship are a rare breed. The Bible is very clear on who gets to know the deep things of God Ps 25:14. These secrets is what makes one wiser than all the rest and so the verse Pr 1:7 and 9:10. Our focus must be to have a relationship with the Lord not for academic purposes but for the same reason why a child needs to have a relationship with its father.

          The varied doctrines arose after all the Apostles had died and the early Church Fathers were trying to make sense of things. Various terms and interpretations arose when people were trying to define the nature of God and during this the Trinity doctrine was first put forward by Tertullian in the early 3rd Century. It is true that the word ‘Trinity’ does not appear anywhere in scripture and so it has been refuted by many as a product of man’s traditions, having its root in Paganism.

          My understanding is very simple. There is no point in debating the nature of God from an academic perspective. If someone wants to know, the Bible says let him ask God James 1:5. I did so and what I learnt is what I would like to share, so stay tuned. God Bless

Thursday, March 3, 2016

The Blood Series

Although I said that the Blood Series is complete, I had mentioned that if the Lord reveals something new to me I would immediately put it up. Here I was studying and preparing for our new topic and my attention was drawn to the passage in Exodus where the Passover was instituted. I read the verse and realized what the Lord was saying and here is what I learnt.

8. It is a Sign:

We all know that the communion was instituted during Passover. We also know the sacrifice of Jesus coincided with the sacrifice of the Lamb during Passover. So in a way The Feast of Passover is a precursor to the Holy Communion. One has its origin in the Old Testament while the other in the New Testament. What role did the blood play during this feast?
The people were supposed to kill a sheep or goat of the 1st year, take some of its blood and strike the doorposts and lintel with it Ex 12:6-7.

The Bible states that the blood was to be a sign unto those in the House, which the Lord seeing as He passes over will not strike anyone therein Ex 12:13, hence the name Passover.  Now we will look at some of the key features that were to be observed prior to the application of the blood. The sacrificial animal as stated earlier was to be either a lamb/goat of the first year without blemish. After sacrificing it the blood was collected in a basin and then hyssop was dipped into the blood. The doorposts and lintel were marked using the hyssop as a brush. It is important to note that the blood was not applied to the threshold of the door, which is always present, to prevent dirt and water from getting in to the house.
                   The two door posts signify the body and soul of a man, while the Lintel represents his spirit. Jesus came to cleanse the body, redeem the soul and give life to man’s spirit. The blood covers our body, soul and spirit!! The Passover sacrifice is a picture of the sacrifice of Christ to give man eternal life, since the Angel of Death passed over every house which had the blood upon its door posts and lintel. The blood was a sign to the people inside to show them what saved them. It was not their ancestry, nor was it their works but rather the blood. The blood here is a symbolizes the shed Blood of salvation, God's provision and the value He places’ upon man.

Why was the blood not applied upon the threshold of the door?

During the ancient times, in Middle Eastern cultures there was a covenant called the Threshold covenant. It was a covenant that men made between themselves and their pagan deities. The covenant was made by cutting up animals and walking between the halves and the blood was poured on the threshold of the door. Anyone breaking the covenant would pronounce judgement upon himself, where he would suffer the fate of the sacrificed animals i.e.. to be cut into pieces (killed). The covenant lasted until one of the parties died. We see a similar act when God made a covenant with Abraham in Gen 15:17-18

               They key point here is that God did not allow Abraham to walk between the halves of the sacrificial animals, instead He put him into a deep sleep. So, we see the covenant being performed by a smoking oven and a flaming torch. 

What was God saying? 

Man can never uphold his side of the covenant and is bound to break it. Next if Abraham walked between the pieces it would not be an everlasting covenant because Abraham would one day die. Therefore God was going to hold both sides of the covenant, thus making it an everlasting Covenant (since God will never die). Even our unfaithfulness will not void the covenant because He is always faithful to His covenants.  

                The sacrifice of Christ would be redundant if man would still have to keep the requirements of the Covenant. This is why Jesus said that He came to fulfil the Law. God was not going to sacrifice His only begotten Son and then ask man to keep his end of the covenant and cause man to condemn himself. It is for this very reason that the blood was not applied on the threshold. To stamp this threshold would be indicative of trampling the blood of Christ underfoot and bring judgement upon them that do so Hebrews 10:26-30. Man being in his flesh is still bound to sin and God was not going to allow His precious purchase to be lost.

                    No child of God is set to suffer His wrath because he was unable to keep his end of the covenant. Jesus set everyone who was captive free. This is the power of the shed blood of Christ, which has made no provision for our fall but rather has made all provision for life eternal in Christ. However, it does not mean that we continued to live a life of sin but rather give place for the Holy Spirit to move in us and direct us in the right path according the good will and pleasure of God the Father in Christ His Son. 
                    Today this Blood is a sign to us that salvation is by the grace of God and not by the works of man. It is the free gift of God, with all the provisions to protect us from the wrath that will fall on the world. Amen

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

New Updates

I am happy to announce that there are two new Audio messages on the way so stay tuned for them, it will be continuing with the wilderness journey of Israel under the leadership of Moses. We will also be starting a new topic and it is one of my personal favorites.
                          I am sure this new topic will be an eye opener to many and a blessing to all. There is a lot of confusion regarding this particular topic and it is hoped that this study will provide clear cut answers to most. I must ask every reader to keep an open mind and heart to understand the content that will be dealt with. Any question arising during this period is encouraged to be shared on the ASK A QUESTION section.
                          The study is of the Holy Spirit, and it is one that everyone must undertake with the utmost reverence. He is part of the triune nature of God. I understand that there are many who argue the doctrine of the Trinity. The truth is it does not matter what you and I think. The truth is that the Holy Spirit of God is a part of The God, the creator of Heaven and Earth and everything in it.

                          We will be looking at who the Holy Spirit is, what His ministry toward the believer and the unbeliever is. We will also look at the gifts and the fruits of the Holy Spirit and how they function within and outside the Church (Body of Christ). The doctrine of the Holy Spirit is so important that denominations differ solely on this basis. The study will be based on what the Bible says and not what denominations say. The reason why the differences in doctrine exist is due to the varied interpretation of the scriptures. This study will be based on unbiased reading of the scripture because I personally have nothing to prove and I certainly do not need to prove the divinity or the authority of the Holy Spirit of God, for He is justified by Himself. So see you soon. God Bless.