
Sunday, February 21, 2016

Blood Series

So far we have studied the life carrying and cleansing power of the blood. Today we will look at the 3rd quality of the Blood.

3. It Has Great Value
The Bible states that man was ‘bought’ at a price as seen in Acts 20:28, 1Cor 6:20, 7:23, 1Pt 1:18-19, 2Pt 2:1 and Rev 5:9. These verses specifically speak of the Blood of Christ being used to get back mankind.          
                    Why did He need to pay a price to get mankind back? When man sinned, he became its prisoner. The Bible states that sin became our master! Rom 6:16-17, 20. Sin being our master, mankind was obligated to obey it without actually being aware of it. Sin became interwoven into our flesh Eph 2:2-3. The verse says that we were by nature the children of wrath. Rom 8:3 shows the term ‘sinful flesh’. Flesh and sin became synonymous, on the day man sinned by disobeying God. There was a union that took place. Death became the product of this unholy union Rom 5:14. Until then death was not part of creation. This is why the Bible says that the wages/penalty of sin is death Rom 6:23. A slave can only be freed if someone gives the price of that slave to the master. Likewise, sin became our master; the only way to free us was by paying the price for our freedom. So what was the price? The answer lies in Rom 6:23 itself. The wages of sin is Death. The price is Death. If man was to be free then someone would have to take his place at death. This is called the Law Of Substitution, which was seen in the offering made during the Sin, Peace and the Burnt Offering in the book of Leviticus, where the person offering the animal would lay his hand on the its head before sacrificing it Lev 1:4, 3:2, 4:4, 16:1. It was considered that the sins of the man were transferred to the animal that would die in his place as a price for sins committed. This is where the term scapegoat originates, in ceremonies on the Day of Atonement, where one of the goat is sent away into the wilderness as a sign of sin being separated from the sinner.
                 God accomplished this task of freeing mankind from the power of death by the sacrifice of Christ upon the cross. Jesus became the sacrificial lamb of old, to justify those who came to Him and touched Him. When did I touch Him? The day Christ took up the flesh Jn 1:14 be born in the flesh was the day all of mankind touched Him or rather He touched us. We could never have known God unless He revealed Himself to us, that we know God because He knew us Gal 4:9 and loved us before we loved Him 1Jn 4:19. Jesus touched us and took our sins upon Himself, because we were ignorant of Him, His ways and His love for us. The sacrificial animal if given a choice would never die in our place but the Lord was ready to die for those who did not even know Him or ever heard of Him. Jesus taking our place died the death that we were to die, thereby paying the ransom price to purchase all under the power of death because of sin Mat 20:28, Mk 10:45 and 1Tim 2:6. Thus, today we are the purchase of God; bought by the precious Blood of Christ.
                How did the Blood of Christ gain such a value that it alone was sufficient to redeem all of mankind with one just act? I’ll explain this like a mathematical formula: If sin=death then conversely holiness=life. Therefore to counter death one must be holy in the flesh, which has been known to sin. It is here where people get confused. How did Jesus take our sins upon Himself? As we talked about it earlier in the Law of Substitution, the laying on of the hand transferred the sin upon the sacrificial animal thereby freeing the man. Likewise, Jesus lived a holy life without spot or blemish and the sin of man was transferred upon Him by God into His flesh Rom 8:3, thereby condemning it in the flesh, and sacrificed it upon the cross. Jesus became sin in the flesh 2Cor 5:21….like a container into which the sin of mankind was trapped or put into, and then destroyed by death. Thereby, removing sin from this world and destroying its power over creation. This accomplishment is seen in 1Cor 15:56-7.   When did the sin of the world come upon Jesus? It came upon Him in the Garden of Gethsemane, the weight of the sin was the reason why blood poured out of Him like sweat. It is this pain that caused Him to pray to the Father about passing the cup of suffering. Take a moment to take in how it must have felt to take the pain for something you did not do.       

                Therefore, anyone rejecting Christ after having received Him will become guilty of the Blood. This is as serious as Blaspheming the Holy Spirit. This is another sin that does not have forgiveness as stated in Heb10:26-31. To forgive these would be to crucify Christ a second time and that is blasphemous of the grace of God. The Blood of Christ is not to be taken lightly for it this Blood that was used to pay the ransom for the freedom of every human born from the time of Adam’s fall. I have personally known of people who became believers only to go back to their old faith within a few years of coming to the Lord. The reason given for this drastic turnaround has been blamed on the believers themselves who did not portray Christ. This too is another sad example of a sin that God does not tolerate as cited in  Mat 18:6-7 /MK 9:42/ Lk 17:1-2. Either way the turning back from the faith still does not have a valid reason, simply because the person has as the verse in Heb 10 states “…having received the knowledge of the truth…”
               To a born again believer the Blood of Christ is what he or she is worth and that in itself should pick us up from every pit (depression, lack of self-esteem, rejection etc.) that we may fall into. It is this vey Blood that today gives me my worth regardless what I may be valued in this world. If this was applied to the parable of the pearl of great price or the field of great treasure mentioned in Mt 13: 44-45, the merchant and the man who sells all to buy what was of value would be God Himself, who so loved the world that He gave His Only Begotten Son... Jn 3:16. My worth is set by God not by man. Praise His Great Name. Amen.


  1. How does a carnal man understand that he has sins in him and blood is required to wash the sins from him?

    1. That is a good question Joe. Let`s start by looking at who is a carnal man. Carnality is worldliness/fleshy/sensual which most understand to refer to the unsaved. However, this is not so, In 1Cor 3:1 Paul is saying that he is unable to address the believers on spiritual matters because they have not matured in the Lord enough to receive solid food and so require milk like infants. The infant believer is the carnal man, from a biblical perspective and he has the knowledge of the saving grace and has accepted Christ but has not matured in the spirit. This type of believer can be even 40 yrs. in the faith and still lack spiritual maturity as evidenced by Heb 5:12, where the writer of Hebrews is admonishing the church for lack of growth even though sufficient time has passed so that the believers ought to by now be able to teach but cannot. I am planning another series on this very topic where I will teach on the 3 types of man in this world.

      When you asked the question did you mean to ask how an unbeliever or someone who does not know the word of God understand that he has sin in his life and so needs the blood for redemption.

      If yes, then the fact is he does not and cannot know unless someone tells him as declared in Rom 10: 13-14. Next after he at some point accepts Christ, he needs to be taught these things since the Blood and its teachings are too deep for a new born to understand. The dynamics of how an unbeliever accepts Christ will be dealt with in detail in the Holy Spirit series, which is currently underway; it will give you an even clearer picture of what actually happens. I am sure that there very few from the general body of believers who can actually explain why the Blood is required for the remission of sins. Teaching is lacking in the church today and it has been replaced by preaching. Preaching is for the masses while a teaching is for the personal growth of the believers. Lack of deep solid teaching is the reason why there are so many carnal Christians today.
