
Monday, February 22, 2016

The Blood Series

Not much is spoken about this quality of the blood, however, we could have come across the intercession of Christ a number of time.  Today we will look at how the intercession of Christ is related to the Blood as the fourth quality.

4. It Speaks:
As mentioned earlier the blood contains the life of the flesh. Life as mentioned in the Bible speaks that it is ‘breath’ Gen 6:17 and 7:15 and 22. There are many passages that mention about how the blood speaks to God. The very first mention is in Gen 4:10, when God asks Cain about the whereabouts of his brother Able. In relation to this verse the Bible speaks about the Blood of Christ speaking better things than that of Able’s in Heb 12:24. The blood of Able cried for vengeance while the Blood of Christ prayed for forgiveness, just as Jesus’s last prayer upon the Cross Lk 23:34, when He prayed to the Father asking Him to forgive those who took part in His crucifixion. This prayer comes out of the love that God in Christ had as part of His divine nature. Jesus intercedes on behalf of those taking part in His death, how much more for those who are His?

                  In Lev 16:12-13, there is an important detailed instruction that the High Priest must follow on the Day of Atonement. Before presenting the blood of the sacrificial animal, the High Priest must take the coal from the Brazen Altar; he must then put it into a pan and then put two hands full of incense into it. The smoke that arises must then be introduced into the Holy of Holies along with the blood of sprinkling. The smoke would provide a covering for the High Priest. It was a veil within the veil. The Temple veil separated God and man physically.  If the High Priest entered the Holy of Holies without the incense the Bible says that he would die instantly. This incense and blood is significant of the blood that would speak behalf of us. It prophetically signified the intercession of Christ in heaven after His ascension.
                 Heb 7:25, speaks of this heavenly ministry towards the saints, where He is interceding for them. The cloud of incense separated the sins of man from the wrath of God, so that God did not see us as sinners but rather He would see the Lord's intercession on our behalf. It is here where the Blood of Christ speaks of better things than that of Able’s. When we sin, we stand accused by satan seeking God’ punishment upon us. The Blood of Christ frees us from the condemnation of sin since the price (death) has already been paid. The Blood of Christ veto’s all of satan’s accusations before God. This however, does not give us the right to misuse God's grace. We must value what He has done for us and continues to do for us. He will continue to do so till we are with Him forever. Amen

1 comment:

  1. Doesn't Satan know that we are bought by the blood of Jesus, then why does he still accuses us before God?
