
Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Holy Spirit Series 9

The function of the Holy Spirit in the World:

The Holy Spirit function in the world is basically more towards the church because He came to be with the believers. The following are His function towards those who do not believe

B. To testify Christ:
We think that we are the ones that testify Christ because we are His witness. The truth is we cannot fully testify of Him because we cannot prove anything that the Bible states by ourselves. Our preaching, knowledge and understanding are foolishness to men. When we declare the Gospel our words mean nothing if the Holy Spirit does not testify of Him: by confirming the words we speak. This is how the power is manifest externally. The early church grew leaps and bounds because of this Acts 2:43-47.  So far when we talked about being a witness of Christ it was about how the power transforms us and empowers us before men. However, the effect of our personal witness is seen externally through the witness of the Holy Spirit through signs, miracles, wonders, brotherly love and resolute faith. This is where the glory belongs to God even though people come to the faith through us. Paul captures this when there arose some contentions among the Corinthians. Paul says that though he planted and Apollos watered, it is God who gave the increase therefore the glory belongs to God 1Cor 3:5-7.

“Unless the Lord builds the house, they labour in vain who build it...” Ps 127:1.

Likewise unless the Holy Spirit testifies our preaching and witnessing is in vain. Paul  is speaking about this in 1Cor 2:1-5, where the faith of the people is not established by man's wisdom but rather by the Spirit of Power. The Gifts of the Holy Spirit esp. speaking in unknown Tongues are meant to be a sign unto the unbelievers when it is interpreted 1Cor 14: 22 & 27. We see this on the day of Pentecost when the Jews from different regions heard the disciples speaking in other languages without learning it. Following this demonstration Peter explains the phenomena to them and quotes the prophecy in Joel 2:28 as scriptural proof. That day 3000 were converted instantaneously. This is the power of the testimony of the Holy Spirit. This dynamic of the Holy Spirit testifying  is very similar to how the Holy Spirit brings about what has been spoken by God; when we discussed the triune nature of the Godhead and their function within. 

C. To convict the world:

Everyone in this world has a chance at eternal life, because God is a just God and His love is infinite. Jesus commanded His disciples to go and preach the gospel to everyone. Today there are thousands of preachers and people are being converted to the faith in the tens of thousands all over the world. Do people come to Christ because of the preaching? The Bible teaches us that it is the Holy Spirit who convicts people of their sins. It is He who makes people aware of sin, righteousness and judgement Jn 16:8. The preacher is merely the messenger and not the one who convicts people. However, a lot of people do come to Christ to receive something they need. I have seen people come to prayer meetings, bible study groups, and church services when they have a need. The need can vary from a job, to a financial crisis, marriage breakdowns and even sickness. When the need is finally met, they suddenly disappear. I have also seen people accept Christ out of emotions and then break off all relations at the slightest friction. While they were in the church their interest and piousness seemed genuine. After having fed the 5000 Jesus went over to Capernaum. When the people they found Him they quizzed Him. Jesus’s reply is a shocker here. He tells them that they do not seek Him because of what He had done but rather because He met their need Jn 6:26. Coming to Christ so that our needs are met was not the reason for which Christ sacrificed Himself. We come to Him because we need a Saviour to save us from our sins so that we can have a relationship with God. It is true that through this relationship God meets our needs but the true reason must never be forgotten or misplaced. Genuine faith is God originated and so is not shaken. If Christ did not ascend into heaven the Holy Spirit would not have come and if He had not come would any of us have accepted Jesus as our personal Saviour? I sincerely doubt it would have been possible. So the very presence of the Holy Spirit is a blessing to mankind in that He is here to bring us to Jesus, who then leads us to our Father with whom we will live forever. Amen

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